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A big problem for our future – 40% of children lack secure attachment

40 percent

Many infants who live in a stressed single-parent home face attachment issues. The single parent, which could be a mom or a dad, might be in a state of shock and barely surviving. They take the child to childcare, work a full day, pick up the child, and stumble home. Hoping the childcare is giving adequate care, they may feed the child and put them to bed as they struggle to keep up with life.

Parents in crisis can barely function sometimes, let alone connect emotionally. It’s not that they are bad parents, but they are struggling parents. Even if the parent is present with the infant but not talking and cuddling the infant, the baby will struggle attaching. This great video “Still Face Experiment”shows clearly how a baby will react when a mom refuses to engage with the baby.


If children don’t form emotional bonds and connect with primary caregivers as infants, they more than likely will face behavior issues such as aggressiveness and defiance as children and hyperactivity as teens and adults.


Because children who have attachment issues have behavior issues,

  • Many might have limited educational benefits as they might be suspended from school.
  • Some are sent to alternative schools.
  • Many will end up dropping out of school.
  • Some may grow up without a conscience, intent on doing harm to anyone who gets in their way.

There are different levels of attachment. When provided with an alternate caregiver such as a grandparent, childcare staff, or caring babysitters, these children will be able to bond and move forward with only minimal attachment issues.

If they are severely unattached, they will not be able to trust others. Because they learn not to trust others, they turn inward and only trust themselves. These are the children who will lie, steal, hurt animals, and hurt other people.


Reasons for attachment issues

  • Neglect
  • Abuse – emotional, physical, sexual
  • Sudden separation from primary caretaker
  • Frequent move and or placements (not sure what the 50/50 custody is doing to very young children)
  • Inconsistent or inadequate childcare


Commonly displayed behaviors by children with attachment issues

  • Lack of eye contact (older children may be looking at your eyebrow or nose and not actually be making eye contact)
  • Inability to give affection or receive affection
  • No impulse control
  • Indiscriminate affection with strangers
  • Superficially charming or engaging with adults
  • Sneaky or covert with actions such as taking things that don’t belong to them
  • Abnormal eating patterns (hoarding food, gorging, craving sweets, etc.)
  • Learning lags and other disorders such as ADHD, ODD, etc.
  • Poor relationships with peers and family members
  • Persistent nonsense questions and incessant chatter
  • Lack of cause and effect thinking
  • Destructive to self and others
  • Preoccupied with blood, gore, fires, or other destructive measures


Ways to help

  1. There are many ways those of us in church nurseries and children’s classes can help these children.
  • If they are in your nursery, swaddle them as often as you can and sing and rock them or sway with them as much as you can.
  • When you swaddle them, cross their arms over each other so that their little hands are touching the other arm. Or put their arms down to their side so that their hands are touching their legs.
  • They need human touch. Wear collarless shirts so you can snuggle the child right in the crook of your neck. They need skin on skin so to speak.
  1. As they get older keep in mind typical discipline won’t work with these kids.
  • You can’t feel sorry for them, but you can empathize with them.
  • They need to be held accountable and every misdeed needs to be addressed.
  • Do not use punitive measures but notice immediately what they did and comment or use a signal such as shaking your head “no” or shrug your shoulders with an look of “Oops, you blew it.”
  • Reward systems will not work for these kids; in other words, NO stickers or stars.
  • Offer a lot of positive choices.
  • Don’t judge them because they know when you are judging them.
  • Don’t praise them because they will set out to prove you wrong.
  • Notice and describe what they are doing. Many times they won’t make eye contact–don’t let that throw you. Go ahead and talk to them while you are also looking away at something across the room.
  • Many won’t let you hold them or hug them. However, just standing close to them helps.
  • Don’t ask them any question you know the answer to. For instance if they steal something, don’t ask, “Did you take that?” Instead say in a matter-of-fact voice, “Put it back.” Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt.
  1. While it might seem counterintuitive compared to the above, there are some things to keep in mind.
  • Expect them to be respectful.
  • Expect them to be responsible.
  • Accept nothing less and possibly even more in the area of respect and being responsible. In other words don’t put in their minds any self-fulfilled prophecies.
  • Hold the child accountable.
  • Be clear and concise with directions.
  • Don’t use any ambiguous terms such as, “soon,” “maybe,” “after while,” etc.
  • Don’t allow yourself to be “sucked” into any arguments even if that means walking away.

There is so much to say on how to minister to kids with attachment issues. The main thing is we must help them attach to us. If they are severely unattached, try to get them to attach to something if it is a ball, doll, or blanket. One time I had a toddler who attached to a soccer ball. For me that was a sign she was capable of attaching to something.

Pray, pray, and pray some more. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and fill you


This post can be found at

For more articles on trauma, children of divorce, etc. 

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Thank you for sharing. I'm aware of the study you referred to with Mary Ainsworth. I do worry about what is happening to our children today when so many are being ignored because the parents are on a screen. Or they go to church and all they see at church are "screens" telling the stories of the Bible. 

My experience is with children of divorce and my goal is to educate church leaders about these children and it can start in the church nurseries. It is a very slow process and can be discouraging at times. I continue to reach out to church leaders and especially children's ministers and family ministers because I know they can make a difference in the lives of children. 

I belong to several children's minister's private Facebook pages and it is amazing the lack of knowledge and understanding this segment of the population has about these issues. Almost daily I come across people who while kind hearted simply don't have a clue about what the majority what our children to day are experiencing. 

Again thank you for your comment. 


Dear Linda,

1996 data showed 45% suffer “insecure attachment," according to research by Mary Main and Mary Ainsworth, founders of attachment theory; details at


And if 45% were “insecurely attached” in 1996, what’s the percent in 2014?  In 1996 most of us hadn’t heard of the Internet. In almost 20 years since, email, texting, and so on have further trashed our ability to relate in person. Many psychotherapists believe a round number of “about 50%” is a conservative estimate.


The ACE Study showed that 58% of middle class U.S. adults suffered 2 or more types of traumas as kids. Such trauma by definition puts children into technical “fight-flight,” a chronic state biologically proven to shut down the organism’s capacity for feelings of attachment. Think soldier in a  battle ramped up in “fight-flight”– he can’t really feel much love for the other side. The number has got to be above 50%.


Also, it is not just in single-parent or underprivileged families. It's everywhere, including massively in the middle class (as the ACE study showed) and in wealthy areas where many parents are emotionally out to lunch. Trauma experts like Bessel van der Kolk say that half of Congress has attachment disorder as evidenced by their dissociated behavior of not feeling what happens to human beings. One reason this pandemic is not recognized is that half the policymakers in medicine, psychology, social work, and government suffer from it. They're in denial at their own illness, so they'd rather point the finger at poor families.






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