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Lumpers and Splitters: Who Doesn’t Believe in ACES?


Here’s the problem. Since you are reading this on ACES Connections, you are likely not the type of person who questions ACES. Like me, when you first heard about ACES, you shouted “Eureka!” or felt the heavens open up or maybe simply thought “Well, that makes sense.” Writing this blog, I’m preaching to the choir.  After all, there is so much scientific evidence to support ACES, doesn’t everyone believe it?

Well, working in Public Health communications, I have learned that science only goes so far. There are people who question the science of vaccinations, or fluoridation, climate change, evolution, the disease model of addiction and/or social determinants of health. So why not those who question the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences?

Of course, few people will come right out and say they do not believe the science. “But what about personal choice or responsibility?” or “I faced lots of problems in childhood and I didn’t need any help” are the type of arguments we are more likely to hear.

These are the folks who often believe that individuals simply need to “make better choices” or should try harder to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” They might be the parents of the child we are trying to help or the program director we are trying to persuade. They might be the elected official who is opposed to trauma-informed legislation. They are not people we can write off or ignore.

George Lakoff explains these different ways of thinking in terms of the different metaphors people use to frame the world: there is the “strict father” types on the conservative side and “nurturing parent” types on the more liberal end. While accurate, these terms may tend to polarize an already politically sensitive populace. A different explanatory model that comes to my mind comes from my high school biology teacher, who divided the world into “Lumpers” and “Splitters.”

If given two things, do you tend to see their commonalities (a Lumper) or are the differences (a Splitter) what stand out for you? For my biology teacher, “Splitters” tended to see new species everywhere, while “Lumpers” tended to create super species groups.  But in a broader sense, “Lumpers” looked for large patterns, while “Splitters” saw most things as sui generis. Some of us see the forest, while others see the trees.

Now if you think about it, ACES science plays solidly to the “Lumper” mentality. Childhood trauma somehow correlated with chronic illness decades later? Check. Divorce, bullying and sexual abuse (three admittedly very different types of problems) similar in terms of their long-term outcomes? Check. Addiction, illness and poverty the direct result of personal character flaws? Not so much.

But while I am a “Lumper” on the concept of ACES, I become a “Splitter” when it comes to services and treatment. There, I become a “rugged individualist” with a deep and abiding suspicion of “one size fits all” treatment plans. I value personal narrative. I want to root for the hero, precisely because they face great challenges. And here is where I see hope for bringing the two approaches together.

Government agencies typically concentrate on non-narrative communications, that is, arguments focusing on logic, science and research and avoiding the personal story. This is a mistake on many levels. First, facts in the abstract tend to be hard to grasp. Few of us truly know what a billion dollars or fifty parts per milliliter represents. You need a human-sized context. We severely limit our ability to persuade all groups when we leave out the personal story. Second, we have found that some people simply choose to ignore the facts that don’t fit their worldview.

For example, the more we cite research about vaccine safety, the more entrenched many anti-vaccinators become. Adding a personal experience of a parent whose child has a compromised immune system or whose child died from a preventable disease supports our vaccine argument in different ways. It focuses on the consequences of our choices and actions. It helps break down the fear of imagined “big government” action into reasonable personal steps. We need to communicate in a way that reaches all people, including those with a different mental framework, or motivated by different things.

In one of her poems, Muriel Rukeyser wrote “The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” The physical universe may be explained through physics, but we understand our social universe through the impact on people.  Adding a personal narrative allows us to appeal to people on multiple levels. It gives us a chance to show how the desire to take personal responsibility can be frustrated by the lack of reasonable access and opportunity. You can emphasize the disparities faced by a particular group, while sharing common outrage over an unfair system. It allows us to offer a view of the universe we can all understand.

We need to explain ACES to a larger audience, and to more than just the “Lumpers” who would have gotten it anyway. Narrative alone is not the answer, but it costs us nothing to try. We know the choir will like it and it might help to expand the congregation.

For a more detailed discussion about framing and writing to appeal to diverse audiences, I recommend the Robert Wood Johnson report, “A New Way to Talk About THE SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH” available at:

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Our small study group  has begun to examine Dr. Felitti's ACE intake questions in community settings - away from regulations and physicians who might find the weight of the questions disruptive to their "status quo".  We have also established anonymity in our surveys - so that the answers are reflective of the focus groups and group discussions, and not trying to sort out causes from solutions.  They also represent pointers for us to embrace - or avoid, depending on our discussions. Our goal is to better understand how resiliency can be promoted and what positive nourishment can be associated with behaviors based on these assumptions. When we examine the data on "frequent flyers" - individuals who excessively use health care system resources - we found a number of individuals who were homeless, who used various substances to shut of pain,  who were without strong family support, strong social support and suffered mental.  By developing linkages between the resources expended in supporting frequent flier use - unchecked - there will be unaligned funds that will be diverted into incentive payments unless channeled wisely. If we were to develop a legislative  plan whereby "hot spots" were identified by major causes (based on mortality data, emergency room use and hospital bed-days).  Five year projects could monitor for increases (or decreases) in health system use - with excess funds redirected towards  linking patients into medical home substance se, and disciplinary disbursements spent in a particular fashion.  Here, the ACES screening might be linked to a particular school or regional provider training program.  The data arising from the assessments could reframe the allocation of funds into prevention and fund risk avoidance programs.  Such a strategy would demonstrate that there are sufficient funds in the health care system - they just were not being used properly. "If you know the beginning well, the end will not trouble you".

Paul B. Simms

Given my professional training as a psychologist, with a background at undergrad level in Science, and straight science at school, I LOVE statistics, but that's ALL about statistics. What should be compulsory in school is how to read and comprehend scientific papers using statistics, and something that's absolutely crucial to understand about statistics is the nature of the distribution they're drawn from. Too many look at "statistical significance" and think that's THE story, but that's far from the case. What has to be understood is the real world significance of any statistics used, and how individuals in the population differ, and how the real worlds of difference between people along that distribution may be like, with all the other variables taken into account, not just those given in isolated figures  -- so, in some ways, I'm a combination of both a lumper AND a splitter, at the same time -- maybe more should try to follow this?

Last edited by Russell Wilson

I think to that in our world, we are experiencing massive change. Economically, energy sourcing, and in health care to name three. There are paradigm shifts occurring, and the status quo, which has billions invested in the status quo, aren't going to jump on the bandwagon. We have to continue to present the findings that come out, and not be so narrow ourselves when it comes to trauma treatment, which has it's own narrow minded status quo. 

This sort of milieu, even on the wider stage, is where we find ourselves. Why? Because we know we can't go on the way we have been. Our only sustainable path forward is to heal trauma, and that means we work to produce results with those who are willing to work, and continue pushing forward.  

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