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New 50-State Report Shows Few Successes in Mental Health Parity Implementation


The Kennedy Forum and The Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation released a groundbreaking set of reports from all 50 states revealing striking new details about the implementation of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. As part the ongoing ParityTrack initiative, the Parity Reports found that less than half of state regulatory agencies are actively enforcing the law, which was signed by President George W. Bush in 2008, while only five states have taken disciplinary action against insurers for violating these laws. The reports, available at, also analyze federal and state legislation, regulatory actions, litigation, and other legal actions that have affected how behavioral health care is treated in this country.


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  • state-stats-social-16-passed-bills

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I am an LMFT with a group practice that trains interns and trainee's for licensure.  Why don't insurance companies allow interns to see their members?  I believe a nurse practitioner, Intern or Fellow in the Medical field is reimbursed for services from insurance companies....In fact, even for a licensed therapist, the rate on my commercial contract is so low, it doesn't begin to cover costs....What is the current parity law on interns?


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