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Back to School: A Fall 2019 Trauma-Informed Campaign []

Stage screenings, educational roundtables and panel discussions featuring knowledgeable professionals for your community. Partner with KPJR FILMS for a screening of RESILIENCE and companion film PAPER TIGERS in the classroom, or facilitate a school-wide event to spotlight mental health awareness, trauma-informed practice, and provide Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) resources to students, parents, faculty and the community.

To purchase, please use the 25% discount code at checkout below using - KPRJBUNDLE25 - expires Sept. 30, 2019!

Collaborate with KPJR FILMS on a digital awareness campaign:

  • Provide facts to be disseminated throughout social media. KPJR FILMS will promote your event across our social media pages, with a monthly reach of 1M + impressions.
  • Circulate informational segments throughout your social network.
  • Utilize KPJR Social Media Toolkit for consistent social m edia posts
  • Access resources at KPJR FILM's “One Caring Adult” webpage.
  • Connect with our online community and tag your activities with our campaign hashtags: #BeTheOne #OneCaringAdult #ResilienceReset and #PowerOfPlay and share how you are Being The One to make a difference in a life; breaking the silence and stigma associated with mental illness and using trauma-informed strategies to build and maintain resilience.




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Kara Devers posted:

This is exactly what we have been planning for our school, thank you! Where is the checkout mentioned? I did not see anything on the KPJR website either.

Hello Kara. I apologize for the difficulties. I have updated the blog post to include links to where you can purchase the films individually or as a bundle.  Thank you for letting me know.

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