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The NARM Training Institute is thrilled to announce our new podcast: Transforming Trauma

The Transforming Trauma podcast is designed to highlight individuals and communities thriving after Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD).  Interviews with NARM Therapists, and other prominent trauma specialists, will highlight how the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) fills a missing gap in the current trauma-informed efforts to address the legacy of developmental, relational, cultural and intergenerational trauma. Podcast guests will guide listeners through the diverse ways NARM is applied to support individuals, couples, families and communities. 

The podcast is designed for mental health professionals, as well as educators, parents, public policy makers, trauma survivors, or anyone interested in personal healing and social justice.  The Transforming Trauma podcast will provide listeners with a map for increased resiliency, greater health outcomes, healthier relationships, personal growth and social change. Shot 2020-02-01 at 8.12.32 AM


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  • Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 8.12.32 AM

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Katherine Hughes posted:

I listened to the first introductory pod cast.  Is NARM an evidence-based treatment?  Can you please refer us to the research?   Thank you.

Hi Katherine, thanks for listening!  The NARM Training Institute is a very new organization so we are in our initial stages of research.  NARM isn't yet an evidence-based treatment.  However, we consider NARM to be an evidence-informed treatment, in that Dr. Laurence Heller, the founder of the NeuroAffective Relational Model, has been in the field for 50 years and has integrated various evidence-based modalities that he has trained in and taught over these 50 years.  We look forward to our continued research efforts and will share these as they become available.  Thanks again for your interest!

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