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About Module Three: Vaginal Birth


This module is all about the vaginal birth process, birth stages, pelvic types, cranial molding, birth movement patterns and an introduction to complications. We will outline simple yet effective ways for babies, children, and adults to heal from difficult vaginal births. Participants will be encouraged to explore their own birth passage.

Although we could look at the vaginal birth process as strictly a structural and physical process, it is very significant in terms of our emotional development, and the sense we have in our implicit memory about safety in the world, and our own ability to move through the sequences of our life in a smooth, progressive manner.  Like conception and implantation, birth requires an intention to be born, and preparation – the baby actually initiates labour, and must move into an optimal position if a relativity easy birth is to occur.

The action of the actual birth stages is dynamic, and the baby is actively involved in that movement.

 Birth is the follow through and the next two weeks of the neonatal period is the integration of all that has occurred in this little one’s life till now. 

mom dad s to s

So we know now that birth is a mutually co operative process between the baby and the mother, therefore both are in labour.  As the mother’s uterus contract down the baby uses the contraction to move forward, moving head, shoulder, arms and eventually pushing with his/her feet against the top of the uterus, when he is far enough down the birth canal.  Watching the TED talk by Alexander Tsaias shows this in 3D, and I show videos of this in the series.   We know now that the connection between the baby, her mother, father or partner if they are present and involved, as well as the birth attendants are very vital to a smooth birthing process.  

If mom is talking to her baby, acknowledging baby’s efforts, even asking the baby to help by slightly moving her position, this really helps assist the labour. Further if some intervention needs to happen, in remembering that the baby is a sentient being, prepare and support them to co operate with the procedure. This will lead to an experience with much less trauma; lack of safety or surprise.  

We will demonstrate the main different pelvic shapes of women, the birth stage, and the molding of the baby’s cranium.

 You will be led in doing a body map of your own body to see what you can discover about your own birth.  We will be looking at the process of birth when it goes easily, and what can lead to difficulties.  
We will examine what type of interventions and support for the labouring family are actually evidence based. The characteristics of a healthy newborn are discussed, and how to support a baby to work through any difficulties are delineated, so the baby can discharge any residual held in her body. 

If you decide to purchase this series during the sale I look forward to sharing with you on the monthly support calls, or in a 1:1 supervision/consultation or session.

There is a video introduction to each of these 13 modules on this website:

Take advantage of the special sale of the series for SPRING:

MARCH 21 to MAY 21, 2017!
30%  Discount when you purchase the complete series

The series is great to watch with a group, so you have other participants to discuss the content and your responses with, and the cost can be shared.  

Please feel free to email Myrna at if you have questions. 



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  • mom dad s to s

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Hi Myrna,

So great to see you here and discussing the role of birth and birthing in ACEs too High Myrna. I just watched the TED talk you linked to and was so appreciative of being able to SEE baby movement in participation with labor.

For anyone considering your course I want to say that I did a 3 year training with Myrna and the information is not just for parents-to-be (although what a wonderful education it is for families!). The training was a profoundly helpful body of work that helped me not only as a psychotherapist in working with my clients but also in working through birth events from my own life that have had an impact on my health as an adult (including, from what I experienced through the work, contributing to my risk of developing my chronic illness).

The research is showing that ACEs have an impact on long-term health. This information is finally beginning to be recognized in mental health and, less rapidly, with medical and physical illness. (Thank you Jane Ellen Stevens for all you do with this site!).

What Myrna's work offers that will also gradually become evident as well, is that the effects of trauma begin even before childhood - in the womb as well as multigenerationally with trauma that our parents (and grandparents) have experienced.

Myrna's teaching and workshops offer one example of how it is possible to begin to heal the effects of early events in our lives - even when they have happened decades in the past.

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