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Alternatives to incarcerating youths having positive impact - New Hampshire / Maine

“There’s a better understanding of how detrimental the consequences of confining young people can be if they don’t need that kind of situation,” said Ellen Fineberg, executive director of the New Hampshire Children’s Alliance. “One of the things that’s become clear is that correctional facilities are really costly to operate and put young people in the paths of injury and abuse and have not been found to be effective long-term, so there is a huge rate of recidivism.”

"The Annie E. Casey Foundation reports the number of youths in correctional facilities on a single day fell to 70,792 in 2010 from a high of 107,637 in 1995, with no change in the crime rate....

"Maine recently received a Systems of Care Expansion grant from the federal government, and Stoodley said the plan is to develop a trauma-informed program as those children from traumatic situations have a harder time in the system...."


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