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Childhood adversity as a risk for cancer: findings from the 1958 British birth cohort study - full text



To analyse whether Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) are associated with an increased   risk of cancer.


The National child development study (NCDS) is a prospective birth cohort study with   data collected over 50 years. The NCDS included all live births during one week in   1958 (n = 18558) in Great Britain. Self-reported cancer incidence was based on 444   participants reporting having had cancer at some point and 5694 reporting never having   cancer. ACE was measured using reports of: 1) child in care, 2) physical neglect,   3) child's or family's contact with the prison service, 4) parental separation due   to divorce, death or other, 5) family experience of mental illness & 6) family experience   of substance abuse. The resulting variable had three categories, no ACEs/ one ACE/   2 + ACEs and was used to test for a relationship with cancer. Information on socioeconomic   characteristics, pregnancy and birth were extracted as potential confounders. Information   on adult health behaviours, socioeconomic environment, psychological state and age   at first pregnancy were added to the models. Multivariate models were run using multiply-imputed   data to account for missing data in the cohort.


The odds of having a cancer before 50y among women increased twofold for those who   had 2+ ACEs versus those with no ACEs, after adjusting for adult factors and early   life confounders (OR: 2.1, 95%CI: 1.42-3.21, p < 0.001).


These findings suggest that cancer risk may be influenced by exposure to stressful   conditions and events early on in life. This is potentially important in furthering   our understanding of cancer aetiology, and consequently in redirecting scientific   research and developing appropriate prevention policies.

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  • BMCPublicHealth

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