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May 19th CTIPP CAN Call: How to Determine if Your Organization is Trauma-Informed


The May 19th CTIPP CAN call will address a critical question that many organizations are increasingly asking themselves - "How do we determine where on the spectrum my organization sits in regard to becoming fully trauma-informed, and what more can we be doing to become trauma-informed?" Our presenters are experts who have developed or are applying different tools for evaluating and providing answers to these questions.

May 19th, 2-3:30pm ET/11am-12:30pm PT - How to Determine if Your Organization is Trauma-Informed

This month, we have an expert panel from various backgrounds. Mimi Graham will provide an overview of the topic and give some background for participants on the call. From there, we will jump into presentations by our four main speakers.

  • Marsha Morgan from Resilience Builders will share about the Trauma-Informed Culture Assessment (TICA) tool. TICA is an online employee-based assessment that measures where an organization is based on the Missouri Model continuum of trauma-aware, trauma-sensitive, trauma-responsive, and trauma-informed. TICA incorporates the basic principles of safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration and empowerment, and came out of a need for organizations to evaluate whether or not they were curating a trauma-informed working environment for their employees.

  • Steve Kauffman from Widener University will present on the TISAS model. The TISAS model, developed by faculty at Widener University, uses an online instrument that gathers data from multiple organizational constituents, aggregates those data by program, and reports out a series of indices based upon SAMHSA TIC concepts. These indices may be used by the program for the identification of current TIC strengths and needs, training needs, comparisons of change over time to assess "progress", and for describing larger systemic adherence to TIC.

  • Steve Brown from Klingberg Family Services will talk to us about the Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) scale.  The ARTIC Scale, developed by the Traumatic Stress Institute and Tulane University, is one of the first psychometrically validated measures of trauma-informed care. It measures professional attitudes favorable or less favorable toward TIC providing an overall score and scores on seven subscales. Since 2016, it has had over 50,000 administrations globally and will soon be translated into 11 languages. It is available in paper form or via an automated online platform enabling organizations and systems to administer the tool online and get dashboard reports with resources and recommendations for the organization and individual staff.

  • Laurie Schrecengost and Gerry Vassar from Lakeside will teach us about Creating PRESENCE. The Creating PRESENCE Organizational Trauma-Responsive Certification Model features the latest and most comprehensive research of Dr. Sandra Bloom. Creating PRESENCE uses trauma and adversity as a central organizing principle in how organizations shape their values and practices in response to human behavior. PRESENCE implementation uses a hybrid approach, depending largely on distance learning and web-based consultation in order to make this approach both cost effective and contextual. The organizational outcomes strive to help organizations become trauma-informed, trauma-responsive and trauma resilient.

We hope that you are able to join us for this fantastic call!

Zoom Call-in Information

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Meeting ID: 742 183 645

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+19292056099,,742183645# US (New York)

You can view upcoming events and copy call information directly to your calendar from the National Trauma Campaign Events page! Also, if you haven't already done so or if there are folks in your network who would make great advocates, here is a sign up link to join the National Trauma Campaign.


June 16th, 2-3:30pm ET - Trauma-Informed Educational Initiatives

Presentations on three very different schools that have implemented trauma-informed initiatives that not only significantly reduced suspensions and teacher turnover, but changed the entire culture of the schools. We will also have a presentation from the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint, which advocates to eliminate these practices in schools.

July 21st, 2-3:30pm ET - Using Trauma-Informed and Faith-Based Approaches to Overcome Poverty

We will be joined by two incredible programs that use trauma-informed approaches to help support individuals and families, and ultimately communities, out of the grips of poverty.

August 18th, 2-3:30pm ET - Trauma-Informed Advocacy Workshop

CTIPP will work with advocates to develop their pitch around trauma-informed and healing-centered advocacy, which will be helpful whether you are speaking to an elected official, someone running a company or organization, or a colleague. This presentation will include use of break out rooms so that you can practice your pitch during the call.

As a reminder, we record our CTIPP CAN calls and put them on YouTube for folks who are unable to join, as well as those who can join but want to watch again. You can subscribe to our channel to receive updates when new videos are uploaded. Please feel free to share this invitation with others in your network who may be interested in joining our calls.

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