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Wake up, Amazon -- stop selling this child abuse manual

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Many of you may be aware of the controversial book, “To Train Up a Child” that has sold over 800,000 copies!  I bought a copy of this book in order to investigate its contents, purchasing it for a penny plus postage, because I was not going to contribute to the $1.7 million annual revenue earned by this damaged and dangerous man who promotes the torture of children.  I didn’t need to read the book, to know that Michael Pearls is a terrible threat to children and vulnerable parents, because I came across a YouTube video of him where he demonstrated his barbaric disciplinary practices

As if this YouTube video isn’t disturbing enough, consider that several parents heavily influenced by the Pearl's teachings have murdered their own children.  The world lost little Sean Paddock after his mother suffocated him.  She followed the Pearls’ method.  Then Lydia Schatz died from her parents spanking her to death with PVC tube, again following the Pearls  method.  Just 30 minutes south of my hometown, Larry and Carri Williams murdered their daughter Hanna using the Pearls method.  Mrs. Williams even praised and shared the book with her friends!

The problem is this book is sold as a child development book, and many well meaning but vulnerable parents fall prey to the abusive methods described in this book.  My moral objection is that Amazon is promoting and profiting from this book, and they are in conflict with their own content guidelines!  Ask yourself this question, “Would Amazon promote a book that described how to sexually abuse a child?”  Of course not!  This book is the equivalent of such a book, describing in detail how to physically torture a child.  Child development experts from all over the United States and Europe have been warning against this book, and yet, does Amazon listen?  Let's join together to help Amazon wake up!

Dr. George Holden, SMU Professor, Expert on Child Violence Responds to "Train Up A Child"

What Can We Do?

1. Sign one of the three outstanding petitions:

Petition 1 - Initiated by George Holden, PhD, Co-Founder of The US Alliance to End the Hitting of Children

Petition 2 - Initiated by Amie Slater, California

Petition 3 - Initiated by Carleen Roberts in the UK 


2. Contact Senator Patty Murray and ask her to publicly demand that Amazon stop promoting this book!

We want to alert Senator Patty Murray to this problem and ask that she take a stand, just as Parliamentary Member Tory Nadine Dorries did, demanding that Amazon remove the book “To Train Up a Child” – a book that advocates for the physical abuse of children.

Call Patty Murray at: (866) 481-9186 OR email her at:


Dear Senator Murray,

Please make a public statement asking Amazon to follow their own content guidelines prohibiting offensive material that is a danger to children and please remove a book that advocates the torture of children, “To Train Up a Child.”  This book was found in the home of a Skagit Valley, Washington family convicted of murdering their adopted child, Hanna Williams.

“Train Up a Child,” is a book that instructs parents to begin "spanking" children by 4 months old and includes instructions on how to use PVC pipe to hit them.  This book details gruesome methods of corporal punishment and has been linked to several cases of explicit child abuse including the deaths of children in at least 3 separate incidents.  One child, Hanna Williams, was murdered by her parents, Larry and Carri Williams right here in Skagit County, Washington! Several of the techniques defined in the book, beating with PVC pipes, starvation, and exposure to the elements, can be construed as "torture" under the guidelines of the Geneva Convention.

Please help us prevent further harm to children and help us hold Amazon morally accountable for their business practices.



  • News Report about Hanna Williams in Skagit County, Washington
  • Details on “To Train Up a Child” and Hanna Williams
  • Quotes from the book detailing abusive techniques against children.

Excellent book review on this issue:

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