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Words that Need to be Shouted from the Rooftops Every Day

"The magnitude of the problem is so enormous and treatment approaches are so difficult and costly that you can spend the rest of your life becoming the next Mother Teresa or Albert Schweitzer and you'll be so busy helping people that you'll never notice you're just nibbling at the edges of the problem leaving the vast bulk unrecognized and untouched.  So if anything meaningful is to come out of this it's going to be coming out of what we call primary prevention..."  Dr. Vincent Felitti


"If you were to ask me what my thoughts are on the most effective public health advance that I can think of in current times, I would say to figure out how to improve parenting skills across the nation."  Dr. Vincent Felitti


“If we could somehow end child abuse and neglect, the eight hundred pages of the DSM...would be shrunk to a pamphlet in two generations.”  Dr. John Briere


"I view parenting education as an important resource for all families and I agree with your position that it should be universally available.

I fully agree with the last sentence in your email:  “Dismissing, without good reason, the idea of public health style parenting education would be a disservice to all children, families, and communities.”  Dr. Jack Shonkoff


"A new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere, all the time could be a tremendously powerful tool for good."  David Dooley


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