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March 2018

The Journey From Me to We: The Walla Walla Way

“We’re all humans and we’re all going through the same things,” Kelsey Sisavath explains. “It’s important for everyone to know. It can change your perspective on how you see yourself, how you see others, and how you see the world.” The “it” Kelsey is talking about is trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) . She has a unique perspective on the topic given her range of experiences throughout her 19 years of life. The story...

Paid Paternity Leave = Good Policy = Good Business []

Kudos to Johnson and Johnson in India! The company has rolled out an e ight-week paternity leave for new and adoptive fathers during the first year. This move is taken to strengthen the bond between the child and the father. For the last six years in the company, 26 weeks of maternity leave for new mothers was already in force. ...“We think that leaves which encourage employees to be with their families can benefit organisations. They can be excellent motivational factors, i ncrease...

Busting the Myth of ‘Welfare Makes People Lazy’ []

“Welfare makes people lazy.” The notion is buried so deep within mainstream political thought that it can often be stated without evidence. It was explicit during the Great Depression, when Franklin D. Roosevelt’s WPA (Works Progress Administration) was nicknamed “We Piddle Around” by his detractors. It was implicit in Bill Clinton’s pledge to “end welfare as we know it.” Even today, it is an intellectual pillar of conservative economic theory , which recommends slashing programs like...

Black Girls Pay the Price When Police Enter Schools []

Sen. Marco Rubio sent a letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week wrongly blaming the Parkland shooting on the Department of Education’s School Discipline Guidance package. This guidance, released in 2014, reminded schools of their responsibility to address racial discrimination in school discipline, which affects students in every state. The guidance includes a series of recommendations to help close the school-to-prison pipeline, including...

How to Find Your Purpose in Midlife []

My youngest will be going off to college next fall, meaning I’ll soon be an empty nester. After having raised my kids for the last 22 years or so, a large part of my purpose in life will leave along with my son. I know I’m not alone in feeling both sad and panicky about this big shift—a lot of other people face similar feelings. We wonder what life will be like and what we will do with ourselves once our kids have flown the coop. One possibility is to renew our sense of purpose. [For more on...

They’re Walking Five Days Straight to Honor Harriet Tubman—and Black Women Everywhere []

Have you ever considered the journey endured by historical freedom fighters, those in the abolitionist movement who led thousands of enslaved Africans to freedom mile by mile on foot? One group of women has. And this week they are walking 100 miles, from sunup to sundown, in the footsteps of Harriet Tubman on the Underground Railroad from the eastern shore of Maryland crossing the Mason–Dixon Line into Delaware and ending at the Tubman Garrett Riverfront Park. In honor of Tubman, the 10...

A Matter of Justice []

One unseasonably warm day in February, photographer Stefan Ruiz and I wander over to the Brooklyn Detention Complex, a towering monolith of a jail that I’ve walked by a thousand times and never really noticed before. Ruiz is there to shoot a photo of the window where defendants—or more likely, members of their families—go to hand over bail money. I’m tagging along. It’s only a minute before a young man—gray sweatpants, white undershirt—emerges through the main doors. He’s grinning and wants...

8 Trailblazing Women Leading the Fight Against Inequality []

It’s Women’s History Month! From racial injustice and economic inequality to reproductive health, women have always been at the forefront of social change around the world. In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting eight fearless women leading today’s biggest and most impactful social movements. [For more on this story by Jessicah Pierre, go to ]

Poverty, criminal justice involvement, biggest risk factors for emergency department use among youth []

Living in poverty or involvement in the juvenile or criminal justice system were the social complexity risk factors that made children more likely to use EDs, according to findings published in Annals in Family Medicine. “Screening for social determinants of health is challenging but critically important for optimizing child health outcomes,” Kimberly C. Arthur, MPH, of the Seattle Children’s Research Institute, and colleagues wrote. “We aimed to test the feasibility of using an integrated...

Healing the deep wounds of violence []

It takes more than a stitch to heal a bullet wound. With the creation and launch this summer of the St. Louis Area Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program (STL-HVIP), a citywide network of hospital-based intervention and ongoing support, the St. Louis medical community is taking a significant step to help patients heal from acts of violence. With 205 murders in 2017 — about 20 more than those tallied in recent years, and 94 percent attributable to firearms — St. Louis is experiencing an...

New Mexico Catholic Bishops’ Open Letter: Children Come First []

Commentary: Yesterday, I received an open letter from some of our state legislators related to the support the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops continues to give to the NM HJR1 2018 (Land Grant Fund Distributions). Since the letter is directed to the Conference, we three undersigned Catholic bishops of New Mexico are responding today. “ ‘Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in deed and in truth’ (1 Jn 3:18). These words of the Apostle John voice an imperative that...

Nearly half of children have damaging childhood experiences. Here's how to help your child []

SALT LAKE CITY — Nearly half of America's children live through adverse childhood experiences that can leave them vulnerable to ongoing and future challenges, sometimes severe, according to a new report that documents not just potential harm, but uneven impact based on race and state. “ The Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Nationally, by State, and by Race or Ethnicity ,” was released by researchers from Child Trends, a Bethesda-based organization that studies American children's...

The Messy Middle Part of Your Healing Journey

Going through the hard part of healing, the messy middle, is demonstrated in what we see in nature as the winter turning to spring. At first, it looks muddy, gray, or lifeless. The frost, the layers of snow, the piles of dead leafs, the smell of decay and dirt is not always pleasant. You may even find yourself wading through the puddles of muddy water, muddy paths on your favorite hike, and slippery river banks as the water is running into the rivers and the river water is all cloudy and...

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