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March 2018

Summit to focus on addressing childhood trauma []

Oklahoma has one of the highest rates of young children with adverse experiences, such as domestic violence, sexual assault and poverty. Research has shown a connection between those types of adverse experiences and poor health, which might explain why Oklahoma consistently ranks as one of the worst states in a variety of health outcomes, including teen pregnancy, smoking and heart disease. The goal behind a public summit this Wednesday is to not only better understand that correlation but...

Kids Are the New American Alarm (

Our kids have tried to wake us up before In 2014, after Michael Brown was tragically shot and killed in Ferguson, MO, area students were yearning for a constructive outlet to voice concerns. However, for those who were listening, their voices were calling out about more than one tragic incident. The voices were calling about race, yes. Equality, yes. Acceptance and safety, yes. Days after the first protest erupted, I founded a program called Gateway2change . Working with leaders across St.

The Foster Care System Was Unprepared for The Last Drug Epidemic. Let’s Not Repeat History []

Foster care is an imperfect system , often criticized for its failures, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and poverty and racial bias, leading to the harmful and unnecessary removal of children from their homes, disproportionately from homes of poor families of color. Nevertheless, foster care can be a lifesaving intervention as a system of last resort that we depend on to ensure the safety of the most endangered children. As we face the third drug epidemic in recent decades that threatens to...

How Segregation Shapes Fatal Police Violence []

On the afternoon of April 13, 2014, Dontre Hamilton was lying on the ground near a bench in a Milwaukee city park. A police officer on patrol walked over to Hamilton and asked him to stand up. Their encounter would end in disaster. The officer patted Hamilton down for weapons — which the police chief later said was not in line with department policy as Hamilton posed no apparent danger — and Hamilton, who had a history of mental health issues, grabbed the officer's baton. The officer in turn...

Elder Abuse: Sometimes It’s Self-Inflicted []

The man was living alone with his two dogs, in a remote area outside San Antonio, when someone called the Texas state hotline to report that a supposed friend was financially exploiting him. So the state adult protective services agency sent a caseworker to the man’s home. She found an 86-year-old Vietnam veteran in a dirty, cluttered house full of empty liquor bottles. His legs swollen by chronic cellulitis, he could barely walk, so he used a scooter. He missed doctor’s appointments. He had...

The importance of relationships and belonging []

Our mental health and personal well being are tied up in the quality of our personal relationships. The more closely we are connected to the people we love, the happier we feel and the more personal satisfaction we have in our lives. Most people rate moments of connection and shared enjoyment with their loved ones as their most important life experiences. These important relationships not only include family and personal friends but also the wider groups and communities we belong to. Forming...

What Self-Compassion Feels Like in Your Body []

I am in an auditorium with 200 other people, staring into a stranger’s eyes, and I am crying. As part of our Science of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion workshop , clinical psychologist Shauna Shapiro had asked participants to turn to the person next to them and imagine all her pain—her struggles and losses, her sorrows and setbacks. I’d done mindfulness and compassion practices before, of course, but this was different. This was visceral. [For more on this story by KIRA M. NEWMAN, go to...

Rep. Will Coursey Files Bill to Create Safe and Secure Schools by Increasing Access to Mental-Health Services []

In the aftermath of the shooting at Marshall County High School in January that claimed the lives of two students and injured many more, state Rep. Will Coursey has filed legislation that would call on all public school districts to have mental-health professionals on staff by the start of the 2018-19 school year. They would be hired to support students and school staff and to guide violence-prevention efforts. Rep. Coursey, D-Benton, said he filed House Bill 604 “because I think this is a...

Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States []

This report provides a comprehensive overview of high school dropouts and completers in the United States. It draws on a wide variety of data sources to examine high school dropout and completion rates for 2014, as well as data on long-term trends. The report describes the characteristics of high school dropouts and completers, including race/ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, disability status, recency of immigration, and outcomes in the labor force. [To access this report, go to...

Hugged App - creating digital tools for people with ACEs

I am starting a project with the aim of developing two products, an app and companion website, for people who've experienced ACEs. The purpose of the products is to support people living their lives as positively and fruitfully as possible by enabling them to work with alleviating the effects of their ACEs on a continuous basis. The products are currently named "Hugged," as I believe that compassion and loving-kindness towards oneself can be a bearer of personal development throughout life.

It's Time for the #MeToo Movement to Start Talking about Children [Forward]

When the #MeToo movement began, I watched, stunned. While in despair to learn of so many high profile predators using their power to intimidate and abuse women, I was also exhilarated; finally the world was opening its blind eye. Maybe my daughters will be able call out men who try to sexually intimidate them, and be believed. But there was also a place inside me that could not feel anything, an empty place with no words, and no sound. A place I inhabited when I was a child , alone, trapped...

A ‘Bright Light,’ Dimmed in the Shadows of Homelessness (NYT article)

A big NY Times story about a talented young woman who ended up schizophrenic and homeless. Buried in the article is that she was repeatedly sexually abused as a child. But the bulk of the article is about people trying to help her. Not much mentioned about...

Becoming the Parent Your Inner Child Needed

What does becoming the change you want to see in the world look like? So many victims of child abuse and trauma are stuck because they don't know that things can be different. Their inner world of tension, fear, and distrust has become their outer world. They have been living this way for so long that they don't know that things can shift and they don't know how or where to start. Then one day, they realize they are stuck and they want change but how to get unstuck is unclear, since this is...

‘Park Prescriptions’ Can Help Lower Stress Levels (

A new study showed that doctors could help reduce their patients’ stress levels, along with boosting other health benefits, simply by recommending that people spend time in nature. “What we learned is that nature can help with stress,” said Dr. Nooshin Razani, a study author and director of the Center for Nature and Health at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland. The study was published this month in the journal PLOS ONE. “Forest therapy is...

Community advocates and Bay Area county health agencies work together on trauma-informed systems change

The talk around the table is not what one might expect when community advocates begin a meeting with county health officials. “I went into this [work] through my own lived experience of trauma and family addiction,” said Toni DeMarco, the deputy director of children’s services for San Mateo County Health System. Rocsana Enriquez, who teaches yoga to teens in juvenile hall in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and in high schools for the Palo Alto-based Art of Yoga Project , chimed in. “I’m...

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