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PACEs in Early Childhood

Tagged With "Behavior"

Blog Post

Dr. Mona Delahooke Will Present at The Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference in California

Emily Read Daniels ·
Have you been hearing all the buzz about Dr. Mona Delahooke's new book, Beyond Behaviors ? In my opinion, it’s the best new book of 2019. Dr. Delahooke is a practicing pediatric clinical psychologist of thirty years. She is gaining critical acclaim and grassroots support for challenging the prevalent and pervasive behaviorist bias in schools. As a result, she is an emerging authority in the growing revolution to re-interpret children's misbehavior. She highlights much of the books' content...

Re: Registration Open Now: Transform Challenging Behavior FREE ONLINE Early Childhood Conference

Latrelle Nicholson ·
Hello, I plan to attend, but do not understand how this works. When signing up, do we sign up for each day or on day of the conference? Is there a schedule of events for each day and time? Please help. I would also like to pass this on to some of my colleagues and teachers. Thank you for any help you are able to give. -Latrelle Nicholson

Re: Free ECE Transform Challenging Behavior Online Conference May 6-8

Julie Kurtz ·
The 3rd annual (May 6-12) Transform Challenging Behavior Online International Conference is a FREE online event for early childhood professionals that I’m speaking at this year. This conference invites us to reflect on how we think about children’s behavior and shares innovative effective strategies. I’ll be talking about Culturally Responsive Self-Care Practices for Early Childhood Providers with Dr. Nicholson and Dr. LaWanda Wesley . Sign up for free and yes PD certificates are provided.
Blog Post

Seven Steps to Calm an Explosive Child

Beth Tyson ·
Are you exhausted by the explosive behaviors of the children you love? First, I want to say I am so proud of you. I know the fatigue and frustration that comes with parenting a child who feels out of control. The fact that you are reading this article means you are looking for support and guidance, and that means you are on your way to helping the children in your life. And believe me, you are probably already doing a better job than you think! Kids need you to show up more than anything!
Blog Post

Traumatic Events and Behavior

Danielle Schappert ·
Early childhood trauma or adverse events in the absence of natural supports or a nurturing caregiver may interrupt and negatively impact brain development and affect behavior and long-term emotional and mental health. Early experiences in life that are positive and negative shape the architecture of the brain. When a an infant or young child is exposed to chronic stress or traumatic events, the brain's emotional center, the amygdala, reacts. In a state of constant fight, flight or freeze,...
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