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California PACEs Action

ACEs Aware in Action October Newsletter []


ACEs Aware in Action


ACEs Aware Trains Nearly 14,000 Health Care Providers in Trauma-Informed Care

Nearly 14,000 health care providers have completed the ACEs Aware initiative’s core training program, a key finding included in a data report released on October 15 by the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) and Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).
Becoming ACEs Aware in California trains health care providers to screen patients for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and to recognize and respond to the symptoms of toxic stress. The Provider Training September Data Update shows that of those trained, 8,300 are Medi-Cal providers now eligible to receive payment for providing ACE screenings.
unnamed (1)The newly launched ACEs Aware Provider Directory offers patients a way to find and connect with trained ACEs Aware providers throughout California.
“The COVID-19 public health emergency has brought unprecedented levels of stress to families and communities across California. Individuals with a history of childhood adversity are at greater risk of developing both physical and behavioral health conditions as a result,” said California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. “ACEs Aware trains health care providers on how to recognize a patient who may be at high risk for ACEs and to respond with trauma-informed care. As the data reflect, we are building a movement of trauma-informed clinical teams in communities across California and will continue to provide evidence-based practices through the ACEs Aware initiative.”
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Have you completed the ACEs Aware training?

Eligible Medi-Cal providers can receive a $29 payment for conducting each qualifying ACE screening for their patients up to age 65.

ACEs Aware offers a free, online training for providers interested in learning more about screening for ACEs and responding with trauma-informed care. Two Continuing Medical Education and Maintenance of Certification credits are available for completing the training. The training includes cases for pediatric, internal medicine, family medicine, and women’s health providers.
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After providers take the training and complete the simple attestation form, they can file claims and receive Medi-Cal payments.
Please note that Medi-Cal payment is not available to providers who do not complete the attestation form; providers must confirm that they have completed the ACEs Aware training to receive payment.
For more information, visit the ACEs Aware Certification & Payment webpage.

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TIPC Meeting Recap

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The Trauma-Informed Primary Care (TIPC) Implementation Advisory Committee met virtually on October 14 for a constructive conversation to prioritize and discuss goals for the ACEs Aware initiative in 2021. Highlights of the initiative’s accomplishments and subcommittee activities over the past year were shared, and opportunities were identified to increase awareness of the ACEs Aware training and screening among a full range of primary care providers. The meeting included a robust discussion on the role of Medi-Cal managed care plans in advancing the goals of ACEs Aware through provider education and implementation of ACE screening, as well as the importance for providers to connect to the broader network of care that is available to support their patients. For more information on TIPC, visit

In Case You Missed It

“Assessing Readiness & Building Resilience in the Clinical Workforce: A Foundation for ACE Screening Integration” September Webinar

In last month’s webinar, speakers provided strategies, promising practices, and resources to support health care providers and clinical leadership as they assess their own organizational readiness and build workforce resilience to successfully integrate ACE screening into clinical practice.

Presenters discussed:
Workforce resilience and trauma-informed principles.
A review of resources and tools, including tips for reducing staff stress and burnout.
Examples and lessons learned about supporting organizational readiness and building workforce resilience.
Practical tips to support organizational readiness to prepare to implement ACE screening and build resilience as part of the ACE screening.
Presenters Included:
Karen Johnson, MSW, LCSW
Principal, Trauma-Informed Lens Consulting
Deirdre Bernard-Pearl, MD
Pediatrician and Medical Director, Santa Rosa
Eva Ihle, MD, PhD
Psychiatrist and Health Sciences Clinical Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco

All webinar recordings and materials are available

on the ACEs Aware Educational Events page.

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Karen Johnson, MSW, LCSW

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Karen Johnson, MSW, LCSW, has spent more than two decades working in trauma-informed care, including currently as principal at Trauma-Informed Lens Consulting and formerly as Director of Trauma Informed Services for the National Council for Behavioral Health. In the latest blog for the ACEs Aware Spotlight Series, Karen discusses approaches for implementing trauma-informed care with patients and care teams.

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ACEs Aware Grantee Update

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In October, the ACEs Aware team hosted several calls to bring grantees together based on grant activities and region. Grantees that are writing Practice Papers joined a call to share their expertise with each other and coordinate their research plans. ACEs Aware also plans to launch a peer-to-peer portal for Grantees this month, providing them a shared space to exchange ideas, coordinate event planning, and troubleshoot as issues emerge. The ACEs Aware team continues to provide individual and group technical assistance regarding content development, communications strategies, and connecting grantees with ACE experts.

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Reaching for resilience

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