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California PACEs Action

Advocate for Early Childhood Programs in Your School District


California’s funding model for school districts is known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Under LCFF, school districts have flexibility—and an unprecedented opportunity—to spend district dollars on early childhood education. Researchers, economists, and educators all agree: early childhood programs set kids up for success in school and in life. Now is the time for district leaders to make sure that students in your community are getting off to a strong start. And you can help make it happen. Meet with your district board members and superintendent to share your story about the impact of early learning and the opportunity LCFF offers for them to invest in early childhood. It’s easy. Follow these two steps.

STEP ONE: Set up a meeting with a board member of your local school district 1. Visit your school district’s website. 2. Find the Board of Education page. 3. Choose a member of the board with whom to meet. 4. Call or email to make an appointment.

STEP TWO: Prepare Talking Points for Your Meeting.  THE BIG PICTURE Children born into poverty are at an immediate disadvantage academically and developmentally. Without high quality early learning opportunities, the chance that these kids will fall behind—and stay behind—is large and immediate, and is often apparent developmentally at as young as age one or two. Early learning programs are proven to improve student achievement, and keep kids born into poverty on track with their more affluent peers. Kids who get a strong start lead happier, healthier lives High-quality early education programs are proven to: •Improve kids’ overall health. •Lower the instance of teen pregnancy. • Decrease involvement in the criminal justice system. •Lead to more secure future employment.

Go HERE and see attached to find the one pager with more information from Children Now. 


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