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Board of State and Community Corrections Awards $96m In Prop 47 Grants

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SACRAMENTO  (June 13, 2019) – The Board of State and Community Corrections today approved grant awards from a voter initiative that reduces from felonies to misdemeanors certain low-level crimes and directs state savings to programs primarily focused on mental health and substance-use disorder treatment.
It is the second round of Proposition 47 funding approved by the Board, to which voters allocated the bulk of the state savings for rehabilitative grants targeting Prop 47-impacted individuals. Approximately $96 million will go to 23 applicants whose rehabilitative programs were deemed most promising.

Two years ago, the Board awarded the first round of funding, which sent $103 million over three years to 23 local government entities which, as with the new round, are working in partnership with community-based organizations to deliver services.

The new grants include funding for the City of Compton for reentry services based on unique mental health needs, in Hayward for services for homeless, justice-impacted individuals, and in Plumas County for pretrial diversion combined with treatment and housing. (see below for a full list of project descriptions)
The criteria for the awards was established in the proposition, which directs 65 percent of the overall state savings to the BSCC to fund grants for mental health and substance-use disorder treatment. Later statute added housing assistance and job training to the list of eligible funding criteria.

In this second round of grant awards, 43 applicants had asked for roughly $193 million in funding.

Agencies could apply for large awards of up to $6 million, or up to $1 million for smaller projects. The County of Los Angeles could apply for up to $18.6 million.
The criteria for Round 2 funding were the same as for Round 1; to expedite the release of the new funding the BSCC opted to use the same Request for Proposals. Applications were evaluated by a scoring committee, which met June 5 to rate the proposals. Twelve of the 23 new grant awards were won by agencies that received Round 1 funding.

The RFP was informed by a broad range of stakeholders and other interested parties with ideas about the types of rehabilitative programming and support services that should be funded. Staff and the committee that wrote the RFP particularly sought out strategies that formerly incarcerated people and their families said had been critical to recovery.

The new grant cycle begins August 15, 2019 and ends May 15, 2023.
The BSCC, established in 2012, is a multi-faceted organization that assists the counties on community corrections issues. The agency annually administers and awards millions of dollars in grants designed to reduce recidivism and address juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, sets standards for the training of local corrections officers and the operations of local corrections facilities, promulgates regulations and inspects local detention facilities, and administers the current lease-revenue bond process for local jail improvements.

The following are brief descriptions of the winning proposals:  

  1. Alameda County Health Care Services Agency Project Title: ACProp47 Grant Funds Requested: $6,000,000
    The purpose of ACProp47 is to support residents who are involved in the justice system who have a mental health issue and/or substance use disorder (SUD) that limits one or more of their life activities. Our proposed project expands on the successful implementation of our Prop 47 Cycle I grant, which focused on providing intensive mental health (MH) and substance use disorder (SUD) supports to our highest need reentry population. As Cycle I Prop 47 funding enabled the County to draw down significant match in third party billing, we have been able to institutionalize a large portion of the services supported by the initial grant through other funding sources. As a result, under our Cycle II application we propose to not only supplement existing intensive services, but also include additional prevention/early intervention diversion services to more comprehensively address the diverse needs of our justice impacted County residents.  
  2. Compton, City of Project Title: Project HOMES (Housing, Mental Health, Employment and Substance Abuse) Grant Funds Requested: $3,000,000
    The City of Compton will partner with three subcontractors to provide comprehensive re-entry services for eligible clients, offering trauma-informed case management paired with wrap-around services designed to address each individual's unique mental health, SUD, housing and support service needs.  
  3. Contra Costa Behavioral Health Services Project Title: Contra Costa Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Coco FACT) Grant Funds Requested: $5,936,088
    Coco FACT is a Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) program inclusive of housing support designed to provide comprehensive services to the large number of individuals that our county anticipates will be eligible for pretrial diversion under AB 1810, yet for whom anticipated funding under AB 1810 will be able to support only a small percentage of appropriate diversion candidates in our county. CoCo FACT will provide capacity to treat up 75 diversion clients at any given time; we anticipate the capacity to divert and treat up to 150 additional individuals over the three-year grant period, leveraging work-flows and administrative infrastructure generated via AB 1810. In addition to providing comprehensive wrap-around mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment and housing support through FACT, the proposed intervention intends to address the multitude of factors contributing to involvement in the criminal justice system through vocational support, trauma treatment and restorative justice principles. It is anticipated that effective treatment of this target population via FACT will reduce time spent in detention, avoid psychiatric visits to emergency rooms, reduce admissions to local and state psychiatric hospitals, increase engagement with mental health and substance abuse treatment, and increase participants' ability to function effectively in the community.  
  4. Corning, City of Project Title: Tehama County RESTORE Program Grant Funds Requested: $3,535,485
    The Tehama County RESTORE Program is an adolescent and young adult (ages 12 to 26) diversion program. RESTORE is a tripartite diversion program that links: a) Michigan State's Adolescent Diversion program (ADP); b) mental health treatment; and c) substance abuse treatment through coordinated case management services which links clients and their families to housing, education, and employment services. RESTORE leverages federal, state, regional, and local resources to target arrested, charged with, and/or convicted adolescents with criminal offenses and a history of mental health issues and/or substance use disorders.  
  5. Corona-Norco Unified School District Project Title: Corona-Norco Unified School District’s Youth Diversion Program Grant Funds Requested: $1,000,000
    Our Youth Diversion Program (YDP) will support youth (aged 12 to 21) by providing mental health services, substance use disorder treatment, housing-related assistance, job skills and placement services, case management, mentoring, and legal consultations to our target population in the criminal justice system. Our Prop 47 grant program expands and enhances the existing diversion programs in our community (Youth Diversion Team conducted by the Corona Police Department and the Youth Advisory Team conducted by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department) by hiring a Youth Resource Officer, contracting with Community-Based Organizations, and providing evidence based interventions to our target population. Funding for our Prop 47 grant program will reduce juvenile recidivism rates, divert juvenile offenders from juvenile correctional institutions, and improve performance in school and employment readiness.  
  6. Hayward, City of Project Title: Hayward Navigation Center Prop 47 Project Grant Funds Requested: $999,881
    The Hayward Navigation Center Prop 47 Project will provide comprehensive, evidence-based, trauma-informed diversion services through intensive case management/care coordination that wraparound qualified homeless justice-impacted individuals who experience mental illness and/or substance use disorders. Centered on housing stability, the Hayward Police Department, in close partnership with the Hayward Prop 47 Local Advisory Committee, will establish a LEAD diversion program to divert offenders to the services, whereby the individual is “diverted” from standard prosecution and into specialized community-based programming to address their specific needs. Services will include treatment for behavioral health and substance use disorders, soft skills/job training, legal and housing services.  
  7. Los Angeles City Attorney's Office Project Title: LA DOOR (Diversion Outreach & Opportunities for Recovery) Grant Funds Requested: $6,000,000
    The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office seeks to expand its transformative LA DOOR (Diversion Outreach and Opportunities for Recovery) model to reach areas in Central and Downtown Los Angeles most in need of robust Proposition 47 services. LA DOOR expansion will provide the following services to a minimum of 750 participants during the grant cycle: 1) peer-led mobile social services consistently delivered to five hotspot locations with high numbers of individuals experiencing homelessness, substance dependence, and mental illness, 2) expansion of pre-booking diversion on Proposition 47 drug possession arrests to include Central, Rampart, and Newton LAPD divisions where these arrest numbers are highest, and 3) proactive removal of participant legal barriers through collaborative City Attorney and Public Defender partnerships. With LA DOOR expansion, the City Attorney's Office continues to demonstrate commitment to advancing opportunities for treating addiction and mental illness through community health approaches rather than relying solely on traditional prosecution methods.  
  8. Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Office of Diversion & Reentry Project Title: Proposition 47 – Intensive Case Management Services, Employment Services, Interim Housing & Civic Engagement for People in the Criminal Justice System Grant Funds Requested: $18,616,627
    The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Office of Diversion and Reentry will expand reentry-focused intensive case management, housing, and wrap-around services as well as create sector-based employment services and promote civic engagement to improve health and employment outcomes and reduce recidivism among justice involved individuals with mild to moderate substance use and mental health disorders.  
  9. Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, Office of Reentry Project Title: Project imPACT & DJJ iHART Grant Funds Requested: $5,999,304
    Project imPACT is a year-long program that serves justice-affected individuals seeking employment. While enrolled in the program, program Fellows will receive a personalized risk/needs assessment, cohort-based cognitive-behavioral therapy curriculum, ongoing support provided by a peer mentor (“Peer Navigator”), access to legal services provided by a lawyer (“Attorney”), and ongoing behavioral therapy by a licensed therapist (“Counselor”). A client’s “PACTeam”, which consists of his/her Peer Navigator, Attorney, and Counselor, will work together to stabilize the participant, eliminate barriers, and increase his/her ability to obtain and retain employment. Project imPACT will assess approximately Four Hundred and Twenty (420) potential Fellows per year, of which Two Hundred (200) will be granted services.
    The Department of Juvenile Justice Intensive Hope and Redemption Team (DJJ iHART) is a partnership between the Mayor’s Office of Reentry (“MORE”) and Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC), a community-based organization leading reentry efforts in Los Angeles. With ARC’s programmatic expertise, this partnership will employ a transformative mentor program for Los Angeles residents, with an in-reach component at the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility (VYCF) and continuing community-based services post-release. The program will utilize a transformative mentor model, in which all mentors have both lived experience relevant to the youth as well as professional training. Upon exiting DJJ, participating L.A. City youthful offenders with have access to mental health services, substance abuse treatment, case management, job skills training, and legal aid through ARC. DJJ iHART will serve Forty to Fifty (40 -50) L.A.-based youthful offenders per year.  
  10. Marin County Health & Human Services Project Title: Prop 27 Cohort 2 Grant Funds Requested: $999,965
    Marin County will add care coordination services for Criminal Justice involved adults by hiring Recovery Coaches. Efforts will be made to engage underserved Spanish speakers and Transitional Age Youth. Grant funds will also be used for vocational training and housing for unemployed or homeless participants. Leveraged funding and in-kind resources will be provided by the county's system of care and by CBOs on contract with the county.  
  11. Monterey County Health Department, Behavioral Health Bureau Project Title: Continuing the Path to Healing and Transformation Through Collaborative Partnerships Grant Funds Requested: $6,000,000
    Monterey County will dedicate Prop 47 funds to continue the substance use treatment services implemented under Cohort One. We propose to continue supportive services that include: employment support, legal support and reclassification filing. We propose to add a Mental Health Diversion Court and Housing related services, sober living environments and an outreach specialist.  
  12. Nevada County Department of Behavioral Health Project Title: Prop 47 Homeless & Justice Involved Project Grant Funds Requested: $1,000,000
    The Nevada County Behavioral Health Department, and its dedicated community service partners, will utilize Prop 47 funding to expand and enhance the existing Homeless Outreach and Medical Engagement (HOME) Team. The Team will meet the needs of a traditionally service resistant cohort of justice involved, homeless individuals who present with a myriad of untreated behavioral health and physical health needs. The overarching goal of the Project is to reduce recidivism and conserve community resources by diverting this population from jail into mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, with targeted housing supports. Specific strategies the mobile Team will utilize include: homeless outreach, building rapport through Motivational Interviewing and other engagement strategies; connecting individuals to trauma informed mental health services; and providing screenings and access to substance use disorder assessments and treatment. In addition, this grant will fund new low barrier and sober housing supports, as well as rental assistance which will allow the Team to quickly link individuals to stable living environments and legal support.  
  13. Orange County Health Care Agency Project Title: Community of Hope: Gateway to Successful Reentry Grant Funds Requested: $6,000,000
    The program serves as a safety net and gateway to successful reentry in Orange County for individuals with substance use and/or mild-moderate mental health disorders who are high risk to recidivate. The program provides jail in-reach services, sanctuary for those being released from jail at night, and a spectrum of treatment, housing, and supportive services provided in the community by individuals with specialized knowledge and training in meeting the needs of the reentry population. The continuum of supportive housing options will be expanded for this reentry population. Trainings will be provided to existing and prospective service and housing providers on principles of trauma, recovery, and reentry needs, in order to build a system of integrated services that address the needs of formerly incarcerated individuals .
  14. Pasadena Unified School District Project Title: Pasadena Intervention and Directional Alternative Program Grant Funds Requested: $999,528
    Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) has a significant need for funding for our Pasadena Intervention and Directional Alternatives (PIDA) Prop 47 grant program to expand capacity to effectively meet the needs of juveniles in the criminal justice system. PUSD will use grant funds to support mental health services; substance use disorder treatment; diversion programs that include mentoring, case management, and alternatives to adjudication through the juvenile court system; supportive services for foster and homeless youth, which include transitional housing; job skills training, certification and placement; and evidence-based curriculum Why Try? and Aggression Replacement Training .
  15. Placer County Health and Human Services Project Title: ACTION Team: Promoting Community Health and Safety Grant Funds Requested: $6,000,000
    The Placer County Proposition 47 Action Team (AT) Cohort 2 will expand and enhance the AT Cohort 1 program to serve all ages, including juveniles and across all regions of the county. The expanded AT will include additional bilingual, bicultural staff to deliver culturally competent, strengths-based, individual and family driven services. Community Recovery Resources (CoRR) is the organizational provider that implemented the Cohort 1 AT by developing community-based solutions for reducing recidivism through principles of restorative justice and offering MH and SUD treatment services combined with diversion activities. AT is an integrated and collaborative multidisciplinary team that combines Probation Officers, mental health and substance use disorder treatment, Peer, Family, and Transition Age Youth advocates, and housing and vocational coordinators to provide immediate, timely, individualized integrated case planning and ongoing services to meet the needs of each member and their family.  
  16. Plumas County District Attorney's Office Project Title: Plumas County Proposition 47 Project Grant Funds Requested: $1,000,000
    To address systems gaps identified and continue and sustain a Pretrial Diversion Program combined with mental health, substance use disorder treatment, housing and community-based supportive services including life and job skills training and intensive case management for participants in the Plumas County criminal justice system.  
  17. San Francisco Department of Public Health Project Title: Supporting Treatment & Reducing Recidivism (STARR) Grant Funds Requested: $6,000,000
    The STARR program is designed to meet one of the most critical community care needs in San Francisco - providing additional residential treatment beds, outpatient case management, and wraparound support services for criminal justice-involved adults with co-occurring substance use disorder and mental health issues. The overall goal is to reduce incarceration and recidivism by bolstering city-wide initiatives focused on jail diversion, recovery, and community reentry.  
  18. Santa Ana Unified School District Project Title: Conexiónes (translates to Connections) Grant Funds Requested: $2,756,857
    The Santa Ana Unified School District will lead a collaborative effort to provide mental health, substance use disorder treatment, diversion, housing assistance, and job development at eight target schools sites in the City of Santa Ana.  
  19. Santa Barbara County Office of the Public Defender Project Title: Crisis Intervention, Diversion and Support (CIDS) Program Grant Funds Requested: $5,998,511
    The CIDS Program aims to reduce criminal justice system involvement for the target population by providing crisis intervention directed to individuals at three main points of entry: field law enforcement contact (arrest), jail booking, and prior to arraignment. CIDS will intervene with individuals in a mental health crisis, divert these individuals to trauma-informed, community-based wraparound services as an alternative to arrest and/or jail, and provide comprehensive behavioral health and case management support, including housing assistance, to those within and exiting the criminal justice system in order to reduce recidivism and re-entry.  
  20. Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department Project Title: Santa Clara County Prop 47 Grant Funds Requested: $5,999,171
    The Santa Clara County Proposition 47 Project (SCCP47) will fill gaps in substance use treatment and mental health treatment for justice-involved individuals with moderate-severe or persistent mental illness and co-occurring disorders. Specifically, SCCP47 will: 1) increase slots for outpatient co-occurring treatment; 2) increase slots for outpatient substance use treatment; and 3) expand transitional housing units (THU) for individuals participating in one of the above outpatient treatment programs. In addition, SCCP47 will fund housing case managers who will provide housing assessment, navigation, and case management. Treatment programs will facilitate referrals to other community-based services as appropriate, including job readiness and transitional employment services using leveraged funds from the Office of Reentry Services.  
  21. Santa Cruz County Probation Department Project Title: Coordinated Access for Empowering Success (CAFES) Grant Funds Requested: $5,998,164
    The CAFES project, guided by core values of dignity, integrity and trust, proposes a trauma-informed, evidenced-based, multi-agency continuum of care model to expand and enhance services for underserved populations, focusing on first-time offenders, those who have been ruled out of mental health treatment services and those who do not receive funding through AB109. The CAFES project will target a significant gap in Santa Cruz County's services, providing diversion opportunities and/or access to mental health and substance use treatment, case management, and housing support to justice-involved individuals. Integral to this project is the collaboration of multiple community-based organizations, probation, court partners, and county mental health.  
  22. Shasta County Probation Department Project Title: Misdemeanor Community Engagement Grant Funds Requested: $1,000,000
    This Misdemeanor Community Engagement Program will focus on engaging offenders who have been charged with misdemeanor charges and have substance abuse and or mental health disorders. A Probation Assistant and a local Community Based Organization will work together with other criminal justice partners to identify offenders who need additional engagement, case management, and treatment services.  
  23. Siskiyou County Health & Human Services Agency Project Title: Siskiyou Revive Program Grant Funds Requested: $875,897
    The Siskiyou Revive Program will provide temporary supported housing for criminally involved adults who are homeless and have a mental illness and/or substance use disorder. Revive will use evidence-based practices to provide housing, intensive case management, mental health and substance use treatment, diversion support, job readiness training, basic life skills development, and as appropriate, any other services to foster wellness and reduce recidivism.

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