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California PACEs Action

Income Inequality in California from Public Policy Institute of California


Families at the top of the income ladder have more than 12 times the income of those at the bottom, before accounting for taxes and safety net programs. Two-thirds of Californians say the gap between rich and poor is getting larger, and about half think the state should do more to ensure equal opportunity for all.

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Responding to Bonnie Bergman:  My parents were raised during the depression in Colorado.  My Father said they got new shoes for Christmas, but by May or June, they had to put card board in them because they had worn though.    Their house was a one room shack with a dirt floor.  Later, my Dad joined the military to get out of the cold and found my Mom and a new life.  Growing up in San Francisco, they bought their own home and raised a family.  We never knew cold and hungry.  My Dad worked & my Mom stayed at home to raise us. They both only had high school educations but they were so good that it prepared them for the next chapters in life.  I went to public schools were kids were bused in from other areas of the City to try to even out the racial demographics.  We all had the same teachers and  those teachers exposed us to the world around us.  Now, what we did with that knowledge is something nobody can take away from us.  Home economics, wood shop.  Therefore, I think we need to help our public school teachers, more in the class room;  helpers setting up programs, more field trips.  Less administrators in the office off site that have no contact with the kids.  Cafeterias need to offer free breakfast  and snack options.  School gardens!  Yoga and other forms of coping with stress.  Music!  All forms!  Identify bullies and get them the help they need to defuse future problems.  #PositiveApproachtoLife.  #AliveintheHive.  #SurviveintheHive  #MyAmericanDream.  

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