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California PACEs Action

Issue Brief - More than mass shootings: Gun violence narratives in California news []


Last year Hope and Heal Fund made its inaugural grant to Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG) to begin the process to change the current narrative on gun violence in California to one that is hopeful and solution-based. Today we are excited to announce that the issue brief, More than mass shootings: Gun violence narratives in California news, is live now on BMSG’s website here: The full brief can be downloaded by clicking here.

We can't solve a problem that we don't fully comprehend.

That's why a key component of stopping the gun violence epidemic in America is understanding the complete picture of what this public health crisis looks like.

Most people have seen at least glimpses of the picture: Gun violence is a leading cause of premature death in the United States, killing more than 38,000 people and causing nearly 85,000 injuries each year.1, 2The good news, in the face of these staggering statistics, is that gun violence is completely preventable, and communities and leaders around the country are making powerful strides toward ending the epidemic — wherever and however it happens.

The bad news is that not enough people recognize that violence is preventable, in large part because of the public discourse around gun violence, which portrays it as extreme and inevitable.

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