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California PACEs Action

New Coalition Created to End Child Poverty in San Diego County []


By Maya Trabulsi, KPBS, February 5, 2020

KPBS Evening Edition anchor Maya Trabulsi talked with Erin Hogeboom, the director of San Diego For Every Child, about a new initiative launched to end child poverty in San Diego County.

Q: Research is showing that San Diego families are struggling and, more specifically, the basic needs of some children are not being met. Can you talk to us about what the current state of child poverty is here in San Diego County?

A: Yes. So, in San Diego County, 40% of children under 12 are living in homes that are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. And what that means is a family of four struggling to make ends meet in under $27,000 a year. And so what we're really looking at is that inability to make ends meet in terms of actual income also makes it impossible for kids to have access to healthy food, stable housing, accessible healthcare, and reliable and quality childcare and early education.

[Please click here to read more.]

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