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California PACEs Action

Quality must be at the heart of expanding early childhood education in California []


Investing in comprehensive and meaningful programs for California’s youngest children gives them the best chance to become successful adults and contributing members of society. But all too often, in the urgency to serve the most children, we don’t pay enough attention to the quality of care children are receiving, and if child development benefits accrue.

That’s a problem. If we really care about all children, then we must create the conditions for all children to have experiences that matter.

Quality in programs for kids means using every opportunity to help them learn and grow. When children show curiosity and joy in their surroundings you know they feel safe and eager to explore the world around them. But unfortunately, while access to early childhood programs in California has increased, access to quality programming varies across our state.

[For more on this story by MEERA MANI, go to]

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