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California PACEs Action

Sacramento Native American Health Center Presentation by Jeanine Gaines (Citizen Potawatomi Nation)


On June 11th, Jeanine Gaines from the Citizen Potawatomi Nation presented to the Resilient Sacramento ACEs Connection meeting discussing the intersection of ACEs and historical trauma of first nation people. My intention was to upload the information for everyone to review right away but I found myself so emotionally moved that it took a full moon meditation to be able to free my feelings and write about my experience during and after the presentation. I consider myself well read concerning first nation issues but I was deeply pierced and thrown into grief after Jeanine's presentation around the historical trauma native people have endured. The genocide and destruction of the history of a people is horrific. I had to check in with others that had attended the meeting to find out if they were as moved as I was during the presentation. They were. I realize that the things I can do to help include educating my four grandsons on the history of the native people and continue to support the healing of ACEs and the building of resilience in all communities. Thank you again Jeanine.Check out to learn more about programs offered to the community. 

Jeanine also provided a link to their Community Needs and Strengths report, which also has historical information and more recent data. Feel free to share everywhere!:

She also attached a one pager that gives a brief synopsis of the CNS report.




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