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California PACEs Action

The Most Fun You'll Ever Have at a Trauma Conference


The Echo conferences have a reputation for being chockfull of innovative approaches and cutting edge science. This one I can guarantee will be unlike any conference you have attended before.

The innate wisdom of the body has long been understood by traditions like yoga and harnessed for indigenous healing practices. Now that wisdom is being married with neuroscience and knowledge of the autonomic nervous system to create new practices such as neurofeedback, Havening, and tapping (EFT).

At the Echo conference on March 18 & 19 in Los Angeles you will have the opportunity to explore many traditional and groundbreaking practices not just intellectually, but actually in your body.

Don’t get scared. You don’t have to show up in a leotard and no one will be making you do the splits. Each workshop and presentation will provide an opportunity to apply some of the techniques showcased so you can see for yourself how the theory works in practice. The physical activities range from tapping around your eyes all the way to dancing from the heart, so you can pick what suits you and your body.

Never before have we gathered such a range of interesting, revolutionary and effective means of healing from trauma. If you don’t come for yourself, come for those you love and/or serve.


As ever, the Echo conference is a meeting place for everyone who has experienced the toxic effect of stress and the inextinguishable resilience of our bodies and communities. 


It is a place to celebrate and mourn, dance and cry, go inward to greater self-knowledge and outward to make new friends. But most of all, the Echo conference is a testimony to our growing understanding of trauma and resilience and our determination to make this information accessible to everyone.

We want you there, so we are extending a special rate to ACESConnection members. Just go to the standard registration on the shopping cart and enter the code aces315 when you check out. 

Register now and come join us in March for the most fun you’ll ever have at a trauma conference!

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