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California PACEs Action

Woo-woo or Science?


You've maybe heard of EMDR, neurofeedback, EFT (tapping) or practiced yoga. Maybe you've taken part in traditional healing ceremonies or religious rituals that are part of your culture.


Do these things really heal the hurts that we acquire during life and can we trust our recovery to something other than pharmaceuticals or the therapists' couch?

There are plenty of communities that say yes.  

We are thrilled to have Carol Kelson as a keynote at our March 18 & 19 conferencetalking about neurofeedback. Check out the amazing work she has been doing at Bell Shelter in Los Angeles in this video. Neurofeedback has accumulated a lot of scientific evidence but has not yet made it to 'evidence-based' status. Like EMDR and yoga, it is probably only a matter of time but in the meanwhile, Echo believes we should go ahead and get curious about neurofeedback and all the other modalities that a compelling number of trauma survivors and/or centuries of indigenous wisdom are saying works.
Woo-woo or science? Maybe the question is not as interesting as the answer you experience in your body. Register now for our conference and explore with us ten different ways to resolve the trauma that we carry in our bodies so that we can heal the trauma in our hearts.
We are offering a special rate for ACESConnection members. Just go to the standard registration on the shopping cart and enter the code aces315 when you check out. 

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