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California PACEs Action

Youth Reinvestment Grant and Tribal Youth Diversion Grant Programs []

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This grant program is aimed at diverting low-level offenders from initial contact with the juvenile justice system using approaches that are evidence-based, culturally relevant, trauma-informed, and developmentally appropriate. Grant funds will be used to target underserved communities with high rates of juvenile arrests and high rates of racial/ethnic disproportionality within those juvenile arrests. Applicant local governments will be required to pass through 90 percent of awarded funds to community-based organizations. Applicant jurisdictions will be required to designate a “lead public agency” responsible for coordinating with local law enforcement agencies, social service agencies, and nonprofit organizations to implement the local grant program. Community-based organizations that receive these funds must provide diversion and alternative-sanction programs, academic- and vocational-education services, mentoring, behavioral health services, and mental health services.

In addition, funds from the Youth Reinvestment Grant Program have been specifically set aside for Indian tribes for the purpose of implementing diversion programs for Indian children that use trauma-informed, community-based, and health-based interventions. Funding priority shall be given to diversion programs that address the needs of Indian children who experience high rates of juvenile arrests, high rates of suicide, high rates of alcohol and substance abuse and average high school graduation rates that are lower than 75 percent.

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