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Fostering open house Jan. 19 in Jamestown (New York) []

A foster parent should be someone who wants to make a difference in a child’s life, is flexible and capable of handling challenging situations, understands developmental needs of children, is trauma informed or willing to learn more about trauma, and can support and provide guidance to birth parents.

If you've ever been curious about foster parenting and live near Jamestown. NY, or you know somebody who does, you may be interested in attending the open house sponsored by the Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services on January 19th.

Both public and private child welfare agencies across the country are desperately working to recruit foster parents for children who can't safely remain in their family homes. Shortages in foster parents directly impact the wellbeing and permanency of children in out-of-home care, often causing multiple caregiver transitions and moves from home to home. This instability and inconsistency in care only adds to a vicious cycle of re-traumatization impacting many children served by child welfare.

If you are interested in foster parenting, but are nowhere near Jamestown, NY, comment below and I’ll help you find foster parent recruitment resources in your community.

The Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services is in urgent need of community members to provide foster care services for children who are temporarily unable to remain in their homes. An open house will be held on Thursday, Jan. 19 in the Carnahan Center, room 120, of the south campus of Jamestown Community College.  Anyone interested in becoming a foster parent is encouraged to stop in between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to meet DHHS staff and talk to a foster parent.

As of Dec. 31, there were approximately 100 children in foster care in Chautauqua County, with 75 percent being placed in certified foster homes. Currently, Chautauqua County has 64 certified foster homes. These foster parents generously open their homes and hearts to children from our community who have been neglected or abused. Children in foster care may be infants through age 18 and represent all cultures. While some children may have physical or mental limitations, behavioral challenges, or special care needs, most children just need stability and kindness. When siblings come into care, it is important to maintain sibling bonds by placing them in a home together. Children in foster care, like all children, need love, affection, and guidance. Ideally, matching a family with a child’s unique needs works best for everyone involved.

Click here to read the full article.


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