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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Rejected. Reflected. Altered: Racing ACEs revisited

It’s 2016 and yet we are still stuck in this “range of traumas that compose the frayed ends of America’s historical racist national fabric” (Dhaliwal, 2016). This article explores how racial justice; its values, investments, strategies and practices can be centered at the health of trauma-informed work.

“Though the ACEs study is a valuable tool that brings a wider audience to what clinicians, researchers, and advocates working in the field of child and adolescent trauma have said for decades, the study is also deeply problematic. Simply put, in confirming that experiences of violence, neglect, and trauma are harmful to a person's long-term health, the ACEs study fails to name racism structural, personal, and historic among specific root causes of modern trauma.

This absence limits the study while conveying and compounding pathologies surrounding young people of color in the midst of ongoing trauma — pathologies that lead to misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and false assignments that render youth as problematic and risk-laden. When they are translated into policies, practices, and investments, these inaccurate pathologies further perpetuate and codify racial oppression and the dehumanization of young people, youth of color especially.” 

Kanwarpal Dhaliwal, RYSE Center


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