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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting Notes from 2-24-16

(See the attachment for a colorful version with photos.)


Dear Sonoma County ACES Connection Enthusiasts,

Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting.  We packed the City View Rooms and showed a team of grant evaluators a great display of passion fueled by our local network.

Today, we started the meeting with a quiet mindful moment. Kate offered everyone a raisin and led is in eating it slowly and consciously.  Kate reminded us how taking time to deeply observe eating is a simple way to incorporate mindfulness into our lives as many as three times a day!

Where are we on the Roadmap to Reslience? Jane Stevens led our group in an engaging discussion of our passion-fueled group’s evolution to date.  Our #1 “Someone starts” began with a small group of committed folks having lunch at Mary’s.  But the energy and community interest outgrew the back room of the pizza shack, and today more than 75 local individuals and agency representatives gather once a month for a long lunch meeting at Public Health.  We’re sharing stories of our Local Efforts #2 on the Roadmap) and figuring out how to align Local Resources #7 as we bring Cross Sector Collaboration #6 to life in a way that addresses what we call the “Root of the Root” of our community problems.  We are working to strengthen our ACES Connection Group #8 and thank you for joining in this important local initiative!

Activity:  Mapping out our personal connections by sector.  ACE’s Enthusiasts wrote out their contacts for the Faith Based, Law Enforcement, Media, and other sectors.  We’ll revisit this list when we begin our recruitment efforts to expand sector participation in our ACE’s Connection meetings.


Members reported out on local efforts to promote resiliency and inform the community about ACES:


  • Meredith Kieschinck shared the initial data revealed by screening patients and families at Santa Rosa Community Health Center sites: Elsie Allen High School Teen Clinic and Roseland Pediatrics.  Meredith will be sharing results of the new efforts to “Ask Everyone” throughout the Santa Rosa Community Health Center (SRCHC) system serves 50,000 local residents – 10% of the total population of Sonoma County!  Their hope is to inspire trauma-informed patient practices at each clinical site – PEDS, Family Medicine, Teen Health Clinic – etc!
  • Jane Stevens announced CDPH in collaboration with the CDC will release County-level ACE’s data next month. This is connected to the CDPH CDC’s Essentials for Childhood Initiative at the state level and will help us measure progress in our own community.
  • CPI’s Lisa Manthe PhD candidate and New Directions Trauma Informed Education Facility was recognized as a “Play Maker” by the Super Bowl “50 Fund.” Check out the video here highlighting the use of art therapy to support at-risk students constructing sculptures as part of a process of reflecting on and assessing their core characteristics.  They will utilize a 3D printer to construct the images and eventually the process will culminate in a play written and performed by the students. 


Please post news of your activities on the ACES Connection webpage. As Jane says, this is our community of practice.  It is as easy to use as Facebook, but it offers us so much more as it can be a place where we share resources and ideas.  The site is newly organized and has a new look. Check it out today:

Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:

  • Learning Collaborative Webinar for Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities: April 14, 12:30 – 2:00; Humboldt Room, 625 5th Street, Santa Rosa, CA. Click here to register for this event.
  • North Bay Business Journal Highlights Hanna Boys Center and Efforts to Raise Awareness around ACE's. Click here
  • Trauma Informed Care in Hospital Settings - is it missing? Click here


Hope to see you at our next meeting on March 23, 2016!

12:30 to 2:00 at the Public Health building:

625 Fifth Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404



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For my projects I've built simple electronics, and 3D printers at printerhow have been awesome. When in my niche, you're not, obviously. But I don't think this is how 3D printing works: at first, only a few niches are helpful, but when printers are improved and made easier to use, more and more niche will hit them.

Last edited by Humus Lee
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