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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting Notes from 7-26-17


Dear Sonoma County ACEs Connection Friends,

Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting. Grace Harris reported out on the Ripple Effect Training that she attended. She shared how Chandra Gosh Ipen discussed core trauma concepts to help us work across disciplines and how we need to look at trauma through an integrated lens that values many perspectives: History, Systems, Strategies, Culture, Development, Pathology. We are hoping to have Chandra Gosh Ipen share her Ripple Effect Training with our community in the upcoming months.

We also explored Piplo productions story, “Once I Was Very Scared” which was written to help children and grown-ups (parents, teachers, and other important adults) dialogue about how stress can affect children and ways to help them. 

Members expressed interest in developing a Policy Committee. The Steering Committee shared upcoming nomination details and election dates for our new leadership roles that will start in October of 2017.

Sue shared that ACEs Connection will be providing three scholarships to attend Hanna’s Quarterly Networking Breakfast. The next breakfast will be held on September 14th featuring Federal Judge Troy Nunley. 

ACEs Connection members shared highlights of local trauma-informed efforts: 

  • Holly shared that we will be starting our second wave of the ACES and Resiliency Fellowship focusing on trauma-informed strategies for clinicians and trauma-informed
  • Carla Denner shared her experience at Capitol Hill on July 11th for the Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity lobby day. (Read more here.)
  • Kate shared with us that the ACES and Resiliency Pamphlet Spanish Version is coming and they are deciding on how they will distribute the pamphlet. (Check it out here.)
  • The Intervening in the Cycle of Violence Against Children Statewide Training for Multidisciplinary Team Members is coming up on August 8th in Elk Grove this event is also free! The purpose of the training is to help participants design effective interventions to use in their work with child victims of violence and abuse and to identify ways in which they can collaborate across disciplines to improve outcomes for children and families.
  • The Gang Prevention Awareness Week is coming up on September 15-23, 2017. SantaRosa Violence Prevention aims to raise awareness about community safety and educating out families on the collaborative efforts and partnerships to prevent youth and gang violence.
  • Karyna shared that the Early Childhood Mental Health Summit is set for September 28th, The topic for the day is building relationships to support families in times of stress.

Kate Jenkins shared her Treasurer’s report. The Sonoma County ACEs Connection account currently has $6,340.5 in the account. 

Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage.

Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:

·      A Santa Rosa Neighborhood’s Love Wipes Out Hate

·      Check out page 5 in “Spotlight on Sonoma County Schools” in the Aug. 5th PD. “Healthy Minds: The Foundation For Learning”.

·      What Has Changed in Sonoma County Around ACEs Since 2015?


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