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Be trauma-informed.The original ACEs Study 66% of say all Americans had an ACEs score of at least 1. Of those 12 % have a high enough score that their life is reduced by 10-20 years. This is the current facts and data. So to keep it simple 12% of all Americans, 36 million, were to live 10 years less because of Adverse Childhood Experiences this would be the loss of 360,000,000 years of life in each generation. Doing your healing work is no joke or hobby, it is life or death of the best years of life. 


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Last edited by Michael Harrell
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Thanks for posting this, Michael. I would say: "Be ACEs science informed!" It's a more informed and powerful place to be.

ACEs are just one part of the picture. Brain science, health consequences, epigenetic consequences (passed from parent to child, and through communities and systems for generations), and resilience research complete it.

Also, I'm not sure where you're getting your data, but the original ACE Study showed that 66 percent of people have at least one ACE, and 12 percent have an ACE score of 4 or more. However, that changes with different demographics, and, as you know, there are way more than 10 ACEs, so that it's likely that the numbers are higher.

Thank you Jane Stevens. Sorry I got my numbers off. There are many studies and many facts. In one study I remember it said that 23% of women were raped or molested. In a different study from the 70s the number of times the average child is told no in the US by year 18 is 56,000. That is a lot of discord input. In another study on genetics and disease they found that only 1% of all disease is genetic. All the rest are from the environment and emotional issues one would be lead to believe .  Who knows yet the real deal?  It would be worth having a look. 


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