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Vic Compher posted:

Thanks for your inquiry. Along with you I am interested in developing connections with U.K. Professionals who work with traumatized clients in order to share with them information about our documentary, PORTRAITS OF PROFESSIONAL CAREGIVERS: THEIR PASSION. THEIR PAIN.  


Vic Compher, LCSW

It would indeed be interesting to get "a local's view" on a comparative trial of three interventions occurring in the UK to protect and assist children's mental health --  the critique highlights potential negative outcomes of the trial, and the possible waste of rare government financial resources. The author is American clinical psychologist James Coyne and can be found here:


Last edited by Russell Wilson

Hello Dawn,

Great idea to have a U.K. group.  Quite a lot of thing are happening now in the U.K., although as I am sure you are aware it has taken a while.  We have been working for over 4 years now specifically looking at how you implement ACE informed practice in a variety of setting with particular emphasis on how you train people to ask the questions. Would be happy to join the group and learn from others.


Lesley Banner

Reply By Jane Stevens: UK Based MembersYes Jane I’ve seen that, thank you.

In looking around for an official and ‘professional’ definition / explanation of < What is Trauma Informed Care > < TIC > < TISC > ....etc : would you say that doing a search on the ACE Connections / ACEsTooHigh pages is the right way to go ? or can you suggest an established path already? The link refered to several times, does not work. Does the page still exist somewhere, has it moved to something new, can you help please?

Also : is the Sanctuary Model something that has been replicated often, and around the world? or is it strictly for Organizations / Departments / Communities / with hefty budgets and money to spend? ie NOT something for the lone volunteer (unpaid and not wealthy) individual? Or are they things IN the Sanctuary, S.E.F.T., documentation, on the website, that could be picked, adapted and used as we see fit and possible?

Thanks for your help and time.

Dublin, Ireland

Hi, Raymond:

The best definition is from SAMHSA's report:

And there are other reports and guides in our Resources Center:

Around 100 organizations and communities have been certified as Sanctuary organizations, and hundreds more are in the process. Yes, it's long -- three years -- and expensive. I suggest contacting Sanctuary's executive director, Sarah Yanosy, who's a member of ACEs Connection.

Hi Dawn & All,

I like very much the idea of connecting with other UK members. Please, keep me in the loop. 

Also, I'm not sure if you are aware, on Thursday 27th April here in London there will be the premiere of the documentary "Resilience: The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope". There will be a Q&A session after the screening with James Redford (director) and Dr Graham Music, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

The film addresses ACEs and seems truly inspiring and thought provoking. Here is the link for the premiere:

Kind regards,



Vic Compher posted:

Thanks for your inquiry. Along with you I am interested in developing connections with U.K. Professionals who work with traumatized clients in order to share with them information about our documentary, PORTRAITS OF PROFESSIONAL CAREGIVERS: THEIR PASSION. THEIR PAIN.  


Vic Compher, LCSW

Hi I am a theatre director and creative pratitioner making trauma related theatre and doing research around ACEs and Attachment. I live in Wales and work in schools and colleges. I am currently devloping a model of trauma informed theatre practice. Would love to be in touch with other UK members.

Hi everyone and thanks for responding.  

I am moving forward with starting a group as I think we agree there is a real need to promote and share ACES info, and informed practice, here in the UK.  I will also be needing managers for the group.  I will inform more when I have spoken with Jane, but if you think you might be interested in joining me in evolving the group please could you message me, thanks.

Tiane Graziottin posted:

Hi Dawn & All,

I like very much the idea of connecting with other UK members. Please, keep me in the loop. 

Also, I'm not sure if you are aware, on Thursday 27th April here in London there will be the premiere of the documentary "Resilience: The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope". There will be a Q&A session after the screening with James Redford (director) and Dr Graham Music, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

The film addresses ACEs and seems truly inspiring and thought provoking. Here is the link for the premiere:

Kind regards,



I hope the premiere goes well Tiane!  Apologies I can't make it to London tomorrow due to work commitments, but please update us as to how it went.  

Best wishes

OK the group is now set up, I have added a couple of you who requested to join the group.  Anyone who wants to join please let me know.  For the time being (until we populate with relevant info) the group will remain hidden, meaning that to see it and engage you will need to be a member, so please let me know if you or any colleagues would like adding.

Best wishes

Tiane Graziottin posted:

Hi Dawn & All,

I like very much the idea of connecting with other UK members. Please, keep me in the loop. 

Also, I'm not sure if you are aware, on Thursday 27th April here in London there will be the premiere of the documentary "Resilience: The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope". There will be a Q&A session after the screening with James Redford (director) and Dr Graham Music, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

The film addresses ACEs and seems truly inspiring and thought provoking. Here is the link for the premiere:

Kind regards,



Hi Tiane, I hope you are well.  I have now set up the UK group (with Janes support), so if you would like to be added to the group please let me know (it's not yet a public group). Best wishes 

Dawn Cretney posted:
Raymond Lambert posted:

Hi Jane. Could you send me the same guidelines to set up a group in Ireland please.

Hi Dawn, I'm in Dublin.

Hi Raymond, I hope you are well.  I know you are Ireland, but if you are interested in joining the UK group you would be most welcome, just let me know and I will add you.  Best wishes 

Hello Dawn. Yes, please include me in your group. Good on you for setting it up. I look forward to be kept up to date. Thanks. Raymond, Dublin, Ireland

Dawn Cretney posted:
Tiane Graziottin posted:

Hi Dawn & All,

I like very much the idea of connecting with other UK members. Please, keep me in the loop. 

Also, I'm not sure if you are aware, on Thursday 27th April here in London there will be the premiere of the documentary "Resilience: The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope". There will be a Q&A session after the screening with James Redford (director) and Dr Graham Music, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

The film addresses ACEs and seems truly inspiring and thought provoking. Here is the link for the premiere:

Kind regards,



Hi Tiane, I hope you are well.  I have now set up the UK group (with Janes support), so if you would like to be added to the group please let me know (it's not yet a public group). Best wishes 

Hi Dawn! As you can see, I completely lost track of this thread... I did not see the follow ups. Probably busy with various things. I was wondering the other day about your initial post regarding setting up the UK group and only today have seen the updates! Is the group running? Please, do include me if possible - Will you or anyone else from the group attend the conference about ACEs in Glasgow tomorrow (26 Sep)? I will be there and it’d be great to say hello!

Looking forward to hearing from you. 

Warmly, Tiane

It was good also to hear of the successful screenings of Resilience in the UK. I’m the director of CAREgivers Film which addresses secondary trauma and promotes the development of staff resiliency programs through the film and our workshops. Hope you’ll check out our website and please let me know if we can be of assistance or if you have any questions. 

Kind regards,

Vic Compher

Filmmaker/ Social Work Trainer

Philadelphia, PA





I've been aware of ACEsConnections UK for a while, and a member, but not sure how best to use it. I have been researching ACEs-awareness in London [and further afield - would love to know what went on in Glasgow conference] for past 18 months or so, and have identifies some 20 projects and people who work in a trauma-informed way. A showing of Resilience in Lambeth Borough in July attracted some 250people. The time is possibly ripe for some London-wide initiative but that is beyond my capacity. Though last Saturday through a personal contact I was asked to give a presentation on ACEs to 14 educational psychotherapists - it went well and the ideas are spreading.

I have also written a review of Nadine Burke Harris's excellent "The Deepest Well" which is due for publication in the Attachment psychotherapy journal published by The Bowlby Centre in London [happy to send it to anyone, in confidence, contact me at ]. I am interested in the overlap between the ACEs approach and Attachment Theory and have discovered that John Bowlby first used the term "adverse childhood experiences" way back in 1981.

Dawn, I have been wondering if the UK ACEsConnections network would be more manageable if it was subdivided into its national and regional [in England] components?

Simon Partridge

Writer/research and complex trauma survivor and advocate

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